So my big toe’s been hurting for several days and it has really hindered my lunges…when that side needs to go back.  so I was doing some side lunges. then at the class at the Y, I went for them and in runners, it was a bit easier.  It still hurt quite a bit afterwards.  I just assumed I had stubbed it and then my husband said what about gout? he had his first outbreak a few months ago. what? me? no way!  I’m not “that fat”,  I’ve hardly eaten any red meat, my diet has been so clean, I drink lemon water every day, etc.

Before this program my PH was perfect, but has been too acid since.  I attributed this to the dentist and the drugs…but really that should have been clear by now? Just doesn’t seem right…??? huh????Went to the health food store today and she said maybe the water has changed?? seems unlikely as well. So I did baking soda and bought some herbal tea to help (very expensive).  we’ll see what happens in the am, and I’ll repeat until it shifts again.  I am concerned…how can I continue without lunges??? LOL.  no really..

and took extra omegas at bedtime, cause didn’t take any around the baking soda time, cause it weakens digestion (supposedly), well I’ve been burping up a storm and it’s gross! That’s why I’m up right now, had some avocado, to try and settle things down. going back to sleep..not expecting a great scale outcome in the am…ya suppose I could just stay off it?

Meant to take some part way photos to see how I’m doing, somehow that didn’t happen.  that would be a good idea for tomorrow, I can use the encouragement.  I certainly feel smaller.  it’s gotten really hot here fast, so now I NEED to drop more weight…just so hot with all this fat!  Not that I like the heat any better when I’m smaller, but cuter clothes helps.

need sleep. sometimes I wish I didn’t need sleep…don’t we all?