I am no longer cursing at squats.
My husband and I decided to coach our son’s baseball team again this summer…8-10 year olds.  Our first practice was last evening. So we have them out there, and I’m teaching them ready position…legs wide, knees bent, on the balls of the feet. I have them warm up/loosen up in this position, swinging their arms, moving their weight from one foot to the other… and then I tell them that on our team this is called “The Monkey”…and they need to make monkey sounds as they are moving…loudly…as loud as me.  Everyone thought it was hysterical, including all of their parents. I have them do this each time we gather.
This year, I must say, I was better able to demonstrate AND stay in position from all these squats!
I was also much better at grounders!  And we even did lunges for warm ups and I ran around the bases with the kids, not even thinking about the parents seeing my jiggling arse in the wind, cause I know it’s less jiggly every day!

Small miracles, no more cursing at squats….now lunges are entirely different.