The biggest piece for me is …which, I didn’t realize until just after I had sent that email, was I felt that they didn’t trust me. The judgment about my ‘diet’ said to me that they didn’t trust me, don’t trust my judgment. Surprisingly that made me wonder if I should trust myself, after all, my history was shaky…even though I know it was their stuff around their own bodies!

I feel grateful for this vulnerable state I’ve been in. I am glad for the opening of that wound, because this way it can be healed. I’m glad my husband is gone this week, because I might have gone into that old pattern of blaming him for how I was feeling….which is one way I’ve avoided these feelings in the past (in addition to eating). And it feels so great & different that he and I are exploring this process together. I’m so glad that he is eating healthier.

I’ve already made huge progress in my healing. I’m feeling expectant and excited as I shape the me I want to be: emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically….physically last.

And, I am committed to my progress because I trust myself. I trust my judgment and my research. I trust my alignment with my inner being and how I am feeling. And I approve of MYSELF. I approve of my journey and my now. I trust that I have learned and am learning and that my progress is continuing. I accept my choices and their results in the past and in the future. I accept myself.

I do have a specific list of how I could have been supported and I get now that I really can do that for myself. My fear was what made me think I needed someone else to help me. But I trust myself and I am not afraid. I have not failed in the past, it’s just all been part of the journey to my now. I do appreciate this moment and where I am at and I am clear about what I am creating for myself.