Well, it’s been almost a year since I’ve been on here, and wow have I made progress! So nice to have not back tracked (for once). Gosh I didn’t even remember how to do this. I do have another blog that I did with the 1st challenge the previous Jan.
It was good to re-read ED. I do eat really cleanly, just my decaff fav. tea. That will the the hardest thing to give up as I drink that most days…not so bad, really. I wonder if I can get the non pasteurized yoghurt around here, and I wonder just how nasty it is? LOL. I’d like to do new photos in the same outfit to compare to end of last challenge, but I think they’ll actually fall off me. I may dig them out for fun. For sure that bra would look ridiculous…way way smaller in that area. I should probably do the bikini thing so we can see the changes at this point…maybe I’ll take some for myself. I don’t think I could post them even with out my head! I’m small now, but looking my age I’d say LOL. Hey, it’s still progress and it’s nice to revist the old just to remember how far I’ve come.