Archive for June, 2011

Finding it choppy and not as well organized as previous challenges, which of course means the motivation needs to be all internal. There isn’t the “community” over there that there has been every other time, it’s the community that brought me back. maybe I’m just missing it because there are too many places to check.

the exercises for today were in little Utube installments, very choppy and inefficient, but feel nicely warmed up after doing them. Again, trainers in baggy clothes, really? I keep telling them the best way to motivate us is to let us see their lovely bodies!!! basic psych 101…we will follow beauty. That’s part of why I love Dax, that man is beauty in motion!

Well, it’s been almost a year since I’ve been on here, and wow have I made progress! So nice to have not back tracked (for once). Gosh I didn’t even remember how to do this. I do have another blog that I did with the 1st challenge the previous Jan.
It was good to re-read ED. I do eat really cleanly, just my decaff fav. tea. That will the the hardest thing to give up as I drink that most days…not so bad, really. I wonder if I can get the non pasteurized yoghurt around here, and I wonder just how nasty it is? LOL. I’d like to do new photos in the same outfit to compare to end of last challenge, but I think they’ll actually fall off me. I may dig them out for fun. For sure that bra would look ridiculous…way way smaller in that area. I should probably do the bikini thing so we can see the changes at this point…maybe I’ll take some for myself. I don’t think I could post them even with out my head! I’m small now, but looking my age I’d say LOL. Hey, it’s still progress and it’s nice to revist the old just to remember how far I’ve come.

Figuring out how to make it all work and integrate into what I have been doing, that is working! Right now trying to get this time zone right..wondering if I should have one more cup of my fav. tea tonight, or forget about it already LOL.
I’m here for a week, but then out of town a lot the month of July. The eating will be easy, I’ll just take my food….(my daughter won’t be happy if it means no restaurants!), but not sure about the exercise expectations yet. No one has answered if we’re doing the 4X per day. I don’t think I am…. maybe by the 3rd and 4th week I can. Trying to wrap my head around it all.